
How to add leading zeros to values in a field in an attribute table in ArcMap?

How To: Add leading zeros to values in a field in an attribute table in ArcMap


步驟1:於TABLE表內新增一欄位(ADD FIELD)為「COUNT_1」,選擇TEXT格式

Step 1:Add the field name you want, and select the “text” type.

步驟2:於「COUNT_1」欄位,利用FIELD CALCULATOR重新填入需計算表格的內容

Step 2:Select the column you added, use the tool “field calculator” to reset the value.

How To: Add leading zeros to values in a field in an attribute table in ArcMap


Step 3:Select the column you added,  and operator the following tips.


Tip:Specify the desired number of digits in the brackets of .zfill().

How To: Add leading zeros to values in a field in an attribute table in ArcMap

How To: Add leading zeros to values in a field in an attribute table in ArcMap


How To: Add leading zeros to values in a field in an attribute table in ArcMap