- 作業概略說明
- 故先行建立可辨別之空間資料,以利後續刪減重複之空間資料
- 先將「面」轉為「點」,並建立座標資料
- 再將「面」與「點」資料相互結合,刪除空間位址重複的資料列
- 即完成作業需求
步驟1:選取「Polygon.shp」,執行「Feature To Point」
Step 1:Select the “Polygon.shp” you want to figure out, and operator the tools named “Feature To Point”.
步驟2:利用步驟1.產出之結果「Polygon To Point.shp」,再執行「Add XY Coordinates」
Step 2:Use Step 1. generated “Polygon To Point.shp”, and operator the tools named “Add XY Coordinates”.
步驟3:利用步驟 2.產出之「Polygon To Point.shp」與「Polygon.shp」資料,再執行「Join Field」
Step 3:Select “Polygon.shp” and Step 2. generated “Polygon To Point.shp”, the operator the tools named “Join Field” to join each polygon/point’s XY Coordinates.
步驟4:複製「Polygon.shp」圖層為「PolygonDeleteIdentical.shp」(為了保留原始資料),或直接利用「Polygon.shp」,執行「Delete Identical」
Step 4:Copy the “Polygon.shp” named "PolygonDeleteIdentical.shp (to keep the original data), or you can direct to use the result Step 6. generated “Polygon.shp”, and operator the tools named “Delete Identical” to delete the duplicates data.