
Splitting multipart polygon into single polygons in ArcGIS

Splitting multipart polygon into single polygons in ArcGIS


步驟1:選擇需要進行拆分的圖層,並確認用於拆分的屬性欄位。如:欄位 “RefName” 表土地類型,可選擇此欄位進行來按不同的土地類型進行拆分。

Step 1: Select the feature class to split and identify the attribute field(s) to use for splitting. For instance, if the “RefName” field represents land categories, choose this field for splitting.

Splitting multipart polygon into single polygons in ArcGIS

步驟2:在 ArcToolbox 中搜尋並開啟 Split By Attributes 工具,設置參數

Step 2:Search for the Split By Attributes tool and click to open it.

Splitting multipart polygon into single polygons in ArcGIS


Step 3: Configure the tool parameters. Choose the input feature class to split, specify the attribute field(s) to guide the splitting, and select an output location (either a folder or a geodatabase).

Splitting multipart polygon into single polygons in ArcGIS

步驟4: 檢查結果,輸出文件會以所選欄位的值命名

Step 4: Verify the results. The tool will generate multiple feature classes in the output location, each named based on the unique attribute values of the selected field.

Splitting multipart polygon into single polygons in ArcGIS

Splitting multipart polygon into single polygons in ArcGIS


Multipart To Singlepart (Data Management)

Split By Attributes (Analysis)